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Noida, U.P, 2000

Architecture | Urban Design | Interior | Furniture

Archohm is a design studio practice working on architecture as well as other varied design project in Noida, India. Founded by Sourabh Gupta the firm is evolving its design practice with the projects and initiatives addressing wide array of issues, scales and typologies. It tries to be responsible socially and contextually with the interventions that they plan to implement. Other than that, the studio actively contributes to both national and international journals, papers and exhibitions.

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Page Author:

Yash Rajput




Sourabh Gupta

Principal Architect.


B.Arch., CEPT, Ahmedabad


Founder & Design Dean at the Design Village Institute, Noida, India. 


Archohm's design philosophy has been one that creates a dialogue of pure functional forms exaggerated by the use of individual materials.

To Ar. Sourabh, architecture was always about the space and light, the volume and the play and this interesting co-existence and conversation of various materials are utilized in all his projects to create responsive and responsible architecture that is climatically and contextually relevant. He plays with mediums and their textures in coordination or in contradiction. This is where principles of the Indian context and its contemporary interpretations become clear to him.

Sustainability issues are also addressed in his projects through materiality and technology. With no specific partiality to textures and techniques, the non-vocabulary is perhaps the evolving language. Unconventional materials with identifiable techniques, common substances with unexplored textures, all applied in surprising contexts bring a degree of fun into the functional spaces.

All information (text/ image) is sourced from the practice.


Residential | Institutional | Urban | Heritage


4 - storey studio

The building portrayed in the image is a 4- storey studio at Noida.

While designing the studio they already had an idea of playing with light and volumes in the building to provide a suitable comfort level to work. The office is divided into 4 floors of studios where efficient space is left to cater to different kind of activities like model making, individual cabins for meetings, lounge spaces, and libraries. The southern facade of the office building possess glass in the exterior but to reduce the solar heat the facade is treated as library shelves of model shelves to reduce the solar heat, and also provides a see through of the things kept inside.

Saurabh's office is on the first floor of the building which is separated from the studio environment.

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Tutor: Vishwanath Kashikar

TA | 2021: Ankita Dhal


TA | 2023: Shreya Shridhar

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